Serious Injuries/Wrongful Death
We Help Families and Seriously Injured Victims
It only takes a split second for a devastating accident can occur. When a driver is looking at their phone, when an employee doesn’t clean the floor after a spill, when a stairway isn’t constructed according to building codes, when an employer fails to maintain a safe work environment or runs an unseaworthy commercial vessel — these are examples of decisions people make that can cause serious accidents, even death.
If you have lost a loved one as a result of wrongful death or have been severely injured after an accident caused by the negligence or recklessness of others, your rights are protected by law. Our experienced personal injury attorneys at Saunders & Chabert understand the hardship that accompanies these types of tragic accidents, and we are committed to helping injured victims and their families recover full and fair compensation.
Understanding Personal Injury Damages
According to the Louisiana Civil Code, Article 2315: “Every act whatever of man that causes damage to another obliges him by whose fault it happened to repair it.”
This code article is the foundation of our tort law system. Its meaning is simple — if you break something, you fix it. This law seeks to protect innocent victims and their families from harm due to negligent acts of others. Unfortunately, insurance companies often ignore the intent of this law by denying and minimizing legitimate claims solely for their own financial gain.
Based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Saunders & Chabert has extensive experience and knowledge in personal injury law. We have a personal understanding of the various hardships you are facing, such as medical expenses, lost wages and intangible damages such as pain and suffering, mental anguish and loss of enjoyment of life. We also have a vast network of experts at our disposal, and the information they provide can help us build an effective personal injury claim to help you recover fair compensation.
Representation You Can Count On
Often in serious injury and wrongful death cases, businesses and insurance companies fail to properly compensate victims and their families looking to fully recover after the accident. By working closely with you, we are determined to seek the maximum compensation that you deserve.
We represent clients who have suffered serious injuries, such as:
Brain/spine injuries
Back and neck injuries
Chemical exposures
Broken bones
Knee injuries
We also have successfully handled numerous wrongful death cases and will work to obtain compensation for various damages, such as the loss of love and affection, loss of financial support, or dependence and damages for any pain and suffering the victim endured while living.
Contact Our Louisiana Wrongful Death Attorney
You Don’t Pay Us Unless We Win
To schedule a free consultation with a Baton Rouge serious injury lawyer, call 225-771-8100 or fill out the form below. We will help you understand your options and get the financial compensation you deserve.